Sunday, January 2, 2022

2022 and Snow

The first day of 2022 brought snow.  I helped Ross and his friend get bundled up for the cold.  Tracking down gloves, wrapping a scarf behind the head, keeping their pant legs from bunching up in snow pants and pulling them OVER the boots to keep the snow out.  It sorta took me back to when he was little. 

With his fur hat, I think he still looks the same as he did 10 years ago.  

The main difference is his best friend has a mustache. 

And not only did January 1st bring snow, it also brought snow crab to Grandma's house.
We celebrated January 1st with as many scissors/shears and bowls of butter we could find so 10 people could eat crab legs at the same time.  

Grandma busted out an old tub of toys she had been storing for Ross since he was little.  
The boxing ring was a hit.  Glass Coke bottles had also been stored for him, along with a yellow gummy bear, a cap gun of some sort, and lots of pieces of gum. 

She asked him before we left if she needed to continue to store the toy tub.
The answer was a definite Yes.

The days are certainly long, but little did I know how fast the years could fly.

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