Friday, January 7, 2022

Cooking and Church Basements

I'm so glad my girls know how to cook and bake.  

Molly has perfected a recipe she found so she and Jayson can eat Snickerdoodle Bars for breakfast each morning during the school week.  

She mothers him pretty hard.

My Foods 2 Students struggled a bit as they learned to make soufflés this week.  I kept catching myself telling the high school students my 13 year old likes to make soufflés on Saturday mornings for fun and  that they are one of her favorite foods.

When my Culinary Arts students were prepping for their Friday Cafe, I explained that my 11 year old already washed and cut all the fruit to save them some time in class.  When she was preparing the strawberries for the parfaits, she stated, "These berries are bussin!"

One of the ingredients in the Snickerdoodle Bars in Nutmeg.  I always encourage my kids/students to smell spices as they use them.
Molly took a big whiff and and realized the spice smelled really familiar. 
We haven't been to church in years, let alone a church basement but it turns out Nutmeg smells a lot like an Old Church Basement.

Who Knew!

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