Wednesday, October 5, 2022

The Dance

Is there anything as nostalgic, anxiety-inducing, or awkward as gearing up for a freshman dance?  

Who's going with who, where will you eat, who's in your group, will you be asked, and if you are, will it will brutally awkward...

Maisie didn't physically go to her freshman homecoming dance this year.  

Instead, she stole the best parts of a high school dance and spent them with her best friend.  

Maisie had 3 dresses to choose from.  The dress she's wearing in the below photo is not the one from the actual dance night.  This was just a trial dress-up day.  

I couldn't resist taking her picture.

The night of the dance, they dressed up with full hair and make-up, took photos together, went to the Dollar Store to try on funny Halloween masks, recorded themselves doing a fun snack challenge, danced outside under the stars to their favorite songs, and laughed their heads off while stalking their classmates through Snapchat who were at the dance hiding out in the bathrooms.

I think she may be the smartest freshman I know.  

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