Thursday, October 31, 2013

A Bar

Sugar Plum works so hard to please.  When it comes to doing homework, nothing beats completing it perfectly without help.  Yesterday she was doing homework while I was outside doing who knows what.... climbing on the van to repair the garage door opener, rescuing cats from roofs, yelling at texting-and-driving teenagers as they drive recklessly past our house... whatever, it doesn't matter.  As I entered the mudroom, I noticed Maisie had placed her homework on the mudroom floor where I be sure to see it right away.  I didn't really 'get' the assignment.  Something about gnomes or something like that.  I think really means syllables, but apparently I'm out of the loop.  Her word for the bottom picture made my heart swell and also dread having to tell her the picture was actually supposed to be that of a cub, not a 'bar'.


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