Wednesday, October 30, 2013

How Things Change

A year ago August, Kratt wandered into our lives, literally.  During the first weeks of him being around, I struggled through a range of emotions in regards to having a 4-legged-animal living in my home.  I stressed over the thought of fur balls, bugs and mud being tracked into our home by way of this cat.  God only knows where he'd been and what sort of temperament he had.  Would he scratch my kids, piss on my pillow, puke hair balls for me to discover on the kitchen floor?  
 However, it wasn't long before Mike was smitten with this creature and the girls stopped being afraid of Kratt.  Ross thinks of him as a 'brother' of sorts and the two share a tight bond.  I was the odd-man-out and it was evident I would need to change my attitude.
14 months later who'd have thought...
  • for the past 2 weeks our white bath mat would have dirty paw prints stamped onto it?  And the greater question;  that it wouldn't phase me?
  • that just this morning I used a ladder to climb onto a neighbors rooftop in order to rescue Kratt (who somehow managed to climb on the roof through the night, but couldn't make it back down?)  Sorry, no photo of this one, thank goodness.
I'm not all the way there yet.  Kratt and I both know where we stand with each other, but at the same time I can't help but notice I've come an awful long way.

His evil eye is almost as good as mine.

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