Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Random Discoveries

Just a few random discoveries which may or may not be of interest to you...
1. To remove saturated urine and odor from a pillow-top mattress, have no fear.  Simply combine 1/4 cup hydrogen peroxide, 1 tbsp. baking soda and 1 drop liquid dish soap in a spray bottle.  Do not shake, gently swirl.  Spray the affected area, blot with towels and allow to air dry. Discard any remaining solution as it will not be effective after 20 minutes. 
I was amazed at how well this worked and just as relieved I didn't have to sleep on the wet area Molly left on my side of the bed.
2. If a cat happens to urinate inside your shoes/boots, again have no fear.
  Simply spray the shoes with Nature's Miracle (found in your favorite pet supply store) and allow to dry.  Place the affected shoes in a plastic bag and toss with a large handful of baking soda.  Shake the bag as though your making puppy chow.  Set aside for several days.  Remove shoes from the bag and wash with warm water in the bath tub.  Set next to the dehumidifier for astonishing results.  Next time, make sure the cat doesn't accidently get locked in the mudroom overnight.
3. When buying fully-cooked rotisserie chicken, keep the following in mind.  You can buy a rotisserie chicken for $6.99 or more at a grocery store which shall remain nameless.  That bird will yield a maximum of 3 cups shredded chicken.  Trust me, I've done the math numerous times.  I recently discovered, you can buy a fully-cooked rotisserie chicken from Costco for $4.99 which will yield (hang onto your hat)... 7 cups of shredded chicken!  Just some food for thought.
Didn't want to leave you hangin' for a photo, so here ya go!

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