Sunday, November 10, 2013


As the calendar moves into mid-November, I'm well aware my 35th birthday is right around the corner.  Thirty five years of life.  How and when did that happen?  Time moves quickly, things come and go, people change and lives evolve.  In the same breath, it's been five.  Five years since grandma's been gone. Maisie was 7 months, Ross was 2 and Molly had yet to exist. 
I often wonder, what would she say to me today?  Oh, who am I kidding?  I can hear her more often than not.  She'd tell me to spoil my babies while I can.  She'd tell me not to get hung up on the little things, they're just little things.  She'd encourage me to let my kids drink 'black cows' while sitting on bath towels on the living room rug while watching the 'idiot box'.  She'd take my girls shopping and buy them frilly dresses they didn't need and stock Ross' drawers with Under Armour when I wasn't looking.  She'd leave a scent of 'white shoulders' perfume as she passed... as she still sometimes does. 
Yes, she's gone, sort of.  But she's here in my girls' smiles and giggles, she's in my boys sense of humor and sweet tooth, she's in Sugar Plum's blue blankie and some of Molly's doll clothes.  She's etched in to my heart and she's the backdrop to many of my photos.  As I was taking these photos, I started thinking of what joy she would have found in my two little girls and felt sad she was missing it  That's when the background of the photos gained clarity and I was quickly aware she isn't missing a thing.

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