Tuesday, November 12, 2013


While tucking Maisie into bed last night, I told her how much I appreciated her patience and kindness while both her brother and sister were struggling through meltdowns earlier in the evening.  I told her what a great heart she has. 
Maisie: "And don't forget that I'm so beautiful too." 
Me: "Yes, you sure are.  Remember that lady at church told you how pretty you were on Sunday?
Maisie: "Was it the lady who had white hair and her 'she-she' was way up here (as Maisie points to her rib cage) and her boobies were by her neck?"
Me: "Yep, that's the one."
While visiting school today I saw Ross at recess.  Once he noticed me, he sprinted over as fast as he could and I could only imagine what could have been so urgent. 
Ross: "I crapped my pants."
Me: "You what?"
Ross: "Yeah, it just kinda slipped out."
Me: "Yikes, do you want me to bring you a new pair of underwear or can you make it through the day?"
Ross: "I'll make it through the day.  At first I thought about getting different underwear but there was no way I was telling anyone.  I just pulled them back up and it's fine."
With that, he took off to meet up with his friends on the playground. 
Like father like son.

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