Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Tooth Fairy's, Human Reprodution and Erin's Mom

I often forget how grown up Ross is getting.  For instance, he’s been pushing me pretty hard about whether the tooth fairy exists.  I’m having a hard time giving this one up.  The Easter Bunny was no biggie, the bunny thing freaks me out.  Not that a little fairy flying around looking for teeth doesn’t, but since I’ve never actually been the tooth fairy (not even once), I feel like I’m missing out.  Ross has a tooth collection and he reminded me of his plan to wait until all his baby teeth come out before he puts them under his pillow.  He figures he’ll be about 14 when that happens.  Let’s just say if he still believes in the tooth fairy at 14 we have a problem.  He threatens me that he’s going to stick a tooth under his pillow one night when I’m least expecting it and that will confirm whether or not the fairy actually exists. 

Now, for the twist.  The other night before bed while debating the whole tooth fairy ordeal, the conversation morphed into human reproduction (I don’t see the link either, but it happened), including erections, seeds, eggs and believe it or not we actually touched on menopause… don’t ask.  Mike walked into the room, overheard the topic and walked right back out.

I clearly remember hearing the basics of human reproduction from Erin Hinz’ mom in 2nd grade and being completely repulsed, as was Erin.  Some things you just never forget.  I take it as a complement Ross is comfortable enough to talk to me about uncomfortable topics.  I’m also glad I’m here to give him accurate answers before the day comes where kids at school fill his brain with garbage.  I just wonder whether the kids at school will fill him in on the tooth fairy before that day comes.

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