Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Day 1

School started today.  To say the kids were excited is an understatement.  Ross couldn't sleep last night, Maisie was too excited to eat breakfast and Molly insisted on trying on winter snow gear immediately upon waking. 
Waitin' for her oyatmeel (oatmeal) and a blizzard.
Sugar Plum's been wanting a tight bun that's 'shiny'.  I did my best with the hairspray but may need to look into buying some shellac.
Among all the nervous chatter this morning, Ross was the one who stated what everyone feels like on the first day of school, "I constantly feel like I'm gonna crap my pants."
Our third grader...
and our 1st grader. 
I can't decide what makes this photo more awkward, Maisie using the pointer (which Mike used to murder a bat last week), the '1st grade' paper sign not staying put or showing up on camera, or the fact that Ross and Molly are in the background plunging the toilet. 
You be the judge.

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