Friday, August 29, 2014

Molly Day 2 and Ross' Birthday Present

A Molly Update. 
The second day of preschool went much better.  We packed her 'nigh-nigh' in the front pouch of her Minnie Mouse backpack and somehow the thought of having it close made a big difference.  Motherhood would be much easier had I earned a psychology degree.
She's already feeling mighty scholarly.
Yes, we gave Ross a kayak for his birthday.  I don't have photos of the actual kayak to share yet.  Stay tuned.  It's lime green.
And yes, my husband now wears a janitor key ring on his belt loop.  I'm not sure why or how this happened.
I'm also not sure how this little guy is 9 years old already.  I really wish someone would push pause.

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