Sunday, August 24, 2014

We Survived

I regret not taking more photos, however each year Ross' birthday party becomes more adventurous and takes us places I'm not comfortable carrying a camera.  Therefore, you'll have to make do with what I've got and use your imagination for the rest.
They explored the creek with guns.  They didn't catch frogs for dinner, however hot dogs were on hand.  After fishing, swimming in the pond, shooting weapons, avoiding a wasp habitat, starting a fire for s'mores, having an acorn fight in the dark and countless baths and showers by each, I can confidently say Ross' 9th birthday party was a success. 
Such boys.  Guns, testosterone, dogs and artillery.
Maisie was always within sight of the boys.  Pretty sure it's just a glimpse of what our future will hold.
I slacked on the cake.  Cake decorating just isn't in the cards for me.  Ice cream sandwiches piled up and slathered with whipped topping sufficed just fine.
The boys. 
I couldn't be more proud of Ross' choice in best friends.  I'd instantly claim any one of 'em as my own. 
Alex, Ross, Charlie and Carson.

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