Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Old Lady Nails, Sidewalk Chalk and Bulldogs.

Welcome to my random blog post.  It's a representation of the way my mind works.  Random thoughts, random statements, random activities.  It seems to be working.
Below is Maisie painting a random womans nails at a nursing home with the Girl Scouts.  What is it with old ladys having super-long, perfectly-curved and hard nails?  I swear I need to start taking whatever vitamins they're slipping in their applesauce.
I think Maisie was making sure this woman was all set for Halloween. 
Poor thing.
Meanwhile, I've been working on my indoor photography skills in manual mode.  Lighting is always an issue, but thanks to the photography class I took at Living History Farms several weeks ago, I think I've finally figured it out.  Below is one of my practice photos.  Still a bit dark, but not terrible!
As we enjoy the final weeks of nice weather before cold sets in, we've been outside as much as possible.  Ironically, I feel safer from the bats when were outside.  Go figure. 
We hit a snag on the building process when it came time to trench/hook up our electric to a temporary power pole in order for the framer to start framing.  It took nearly 2 weeks to complete, and now our framer has started another project.  The projected framing date is set for the middle of next week. 
God sure has a way of testing our patience, yet we will continue to trust in His timing throughout this adventure.
Lastly, are photos from this weeks flag football game.  The Bulldogs didn't win this week either, but the photos sure make me smile.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Zip, Tie, Sparkle Wedges

For the past few weeks, Maisie's been begging for a pair of sparkle, zip, tie, wedge shoes.  I had no clue what this type of shoe could possible look like.  Sounded complicated to me.
Apparently, Tavannah wears a pair everyday to school.  I asked her teacher to find out the brand so I could find a pair for Maisie.  Her teacher took a photo for me, but wasn't able to determine what brand they were.  Tavannah only knew the shoes came from the mall.  No help there.
I let the idea fade and of course Maisie began to accept the fact the shoes must not be available anymore.
Low and behold, Winterset online garage sales had a pair of sparkle, zip, tie, wedges for sale Thursday.  Amazingly, they were Maisie's size and only $5!
Thursday night Maisie sent me an email from the Ipod.  She's into emailing me these days.
Thank. You for. The. Whose I love them love yu and thanks
It's the little things.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Flag Football Game

The Bulldogs got smoked at this weeks game.  Ross was bummed, but the photos will give you a small glimpse the determination he shows on the field. 

He kicks.
He dodges the defense who is looking the wrong way.
He runs from the boy in shades.
And he nearly takes out his own teammate.
There's nothing quite like flag football to keep us entertained.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Dumpster Diving

I remember the thrill of accumulating money as a kid.  Whether it was going door to door trying to sell my coloring pages, picking flowers from the neighbors yard then going door to door with those flowers, or scouring under bleachers and concession stand stoops in the summer after ball games.
What I did with the money?  Usually ended up at the Grove Tap for a Pepsi.  If there was enough money, maybe even fries.  If I didn't have enough to hit the Grove Tap, I'd ride my bike to the Long Grove library to buy 10-cent old issues of Teen and Seventeen magazines. 
Therefore, it didn't surprise me when I discovered Ross and Alex trying to scrounge-up bottles and cans for the redemption center.  They wanted enough to buy Laffy Taffys at Ben Franklins.  Laffy Taffys are only 10-cents at Ben Franklins, so it wasn't too difficult. 
After quite some time, both boys returned shirtless with grocery sacks full of cans and bottles.  Turns out they had been diving head first into peoples recycle cans on East Court.  They reeked of beer, yet the look of satisfaction on their faces was priceless. 
They earned $7.50 that day.  After splitting the money then making a trade with Alex, Ross bought a Husky Dog Beanie Baby at Ben Franklin's.  According to Ross, diving into peoples trash was totally worth it.

By the way, Ben Franklin's had record sales of Laffy Taffy's this day as well.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Maisie didn't make it to school Monday.  Her tummy hurt.  My instincts told me it was constipation and she'd be fine at school.  However my heart told me she needed some Mama-time.
Instead of forcing her to get through a school day, I chose to celebrate spending the day with her. 
To do all things "Maisie". 
She got dolled-up and let me take photos of her on the courthouse steps. 

Before long, her tummy started to hurt and she was done with pictures.  We managed to squeeze in a game of Queen and Princess on the courthouse steps before leaving.
When she grew tired of that, she reached for my hand as we left to spend the remainder of the day crafting at home.
I didn't like that her tummy hurt; yet I was beyond grateful for some Maisie-Time.

Sunday, September 21, 2014


Sometimes you need refresher.  And sometimes during that refresher, you're reminded how passionate you are about something.  Beyond my passion for all things food; I've come to embrace another passion of mine. 
I was once asked, "What makes you feel like a kid again?  When times flies by and you're so immersed in what you're doing, you forget everything else?"
My answer came quickly... "Taking pictures." 
I was given a day long photography workshop at Living History Farms.  Going in, I didn't know what to expect.  Going out, I felt as though my eyes had opened to the art of photography.  I felt eager to keep learning, to perfect my photography skills and to embrace the art of taking pictures. 
I'm well aware I have a long way to go; yet I'm equally aware of how far I've come.
Plus, I just happen to have a willing subject to practice on at home. 


Thursday, September 18, 2014

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Sports Photos

It's no secret I'm not a fan of posed photos.  There's something I treasure about spontaneity, comfort and natural positions.  Therefore, when flag football picture forms were sent home I knew it was time to set up shop in the backyard.  I don't order sports photos.  Quite frankly, I don't think I ever will. 
I told Ross to take his mouthguard out.  He said, 'No'.  I told him to look tough and not smile.  That just made him smile more.  That's only one reason I love this picture of him. Not because of the picture itself, but because of that that 'moment' with him.
Next I told him to pretend he was going to throw the ball.  It was super awkward for him to hold the ball and not throw it. 
That explains why the above photo is so blurry.  Out of nowhere, he threw the ball toward me.  We both laughed as I screamed and dodged out the way.  Terrible picture.  Priceless moment.
This is a true image of my boy.  Mouthguard in place, shirt wrinkled and smirk on his face. 
Try to put that on a button.

Friday, September 12, 2014

The Difference A Year Makes

This photo was taken a year ago.  He had just turned 8, didn't really get how flag football worked and lacked confidence on the field.  I remember his embarrassment after a particular game where he pulled the wrong flag.  After that, I remember explaining to my sobbing boy why he couldn't skip practices, as well as why he couldn't quit the team.  He would hide in trees before games and after being found, we'd drag him into the van against his will.  It sucked for us, but worse than that was watching how badly he wanted out.
He stuck with it and by the end of the season we started to see improvements.  He understood the game better, made some good plays and actually started to enjoy it.
Enter 2014
Flag football season was approaching and the deadline for sign ups was near.  Ross told me he wasn't going out this year. 
We signed him up anyway. 
When he found out, his anxiety began to mount.  He received his team list and decided he was on the worst team ever. 
But then practice started and he forgot about a very important detail.
He was bigger.  He was older.  He was faster.  He was smarter.  He was stronger. 
He was a leader.
And he's good.
Suddenly, practices are something he can't wait for and games as exciting to him as going on vacation. 
His mouthguard is still huge, but not nearly as gnarled-up as last years was.
He's a champ at pulling flags.  This kid went down just as Ross ripped off his flag.
It's a joy to watch him play, especially knowing how far he's come.  But more than that, I love watching him feel awesome. 
Mostly because he is.
Oh yeah, this year he's #1.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Crinoid Noodles

Ross has been slightly obsessed with crinoid fossils for several years now. 
You may recall a post over a year ago where he and I spent a morning hunting crinoids.
With that being said, it should've come as no surprise when Ross renamed his favorite pasta.
Introducing, Crinoid Noodles.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

All The Stages

I've witnessed my kids enter and exit countless stages of development.  Some are more welcome than others, but good or bad, stages do not last forever.
The food stages, the bathroom stages, the scared stages, the aggressive stages, the whiny stages, the superhero and princess stages, the costume stages, the baby doll stages, I could go on until you're bored to tears, so I'll assume you get the idea. 
Molly's in a stage which I'm grateful to have a first row seat for.  She's in the 'pretend' stage, the 'transferring objects from one container to another' stage and the 'washing her hands with gobs of liquid handsoap' stage.

This is Molly emptying all her shirts from her shirt basket.  I can't tell you how many times I've refolded these shirts or how much I miss having dresser drawers.
That's about the time she decides to give Care Bear a bath.  She's awfully thorough with its armpits.
Out of nowhere she decides to fill the sink with dishes, water and soap to make 'drinks'. 
One day she'll be in the make-up, drivers license and visiting college stage.  But today I just want to watch her play 'pretend'.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Picture Day

Thursday was picture day at school.  The night before picture day was rough.  Maisie was beyond excited, Molly peed a tiny bit in her bed, Ross was constipated while Mike and I had another bat in our bedroom.  (that makes 4).   Maisies outfit, including earrings, shoes and hairstyle were decided on 48 hours prior to picture day.  I asked Molly how she was going to smile for her picture and she proceeded to show me her most crooked and awkward smile possible.  When I questioned the look, she explained, "it's cute".  Ross rolled himself up in a blanket on the living room floor and complained he was feeling too 'barfy' to go to school. 
I convinced him to get through the picture, then he could ask to go to the nurse.  By 8:30 the nurse called to say Ross wasn't feeling well.  My first question, "Did he get his picture taken yet?"  He didn't.  It's probably for the best.
I like to take my own photos of my kids on picture day.  Mainly because there's no guarantee how awkward the chin tilt will be in the school pictures. 
Maisie.  Age 6.  1st Grade
Molly.  Age 4.  Preschool
I'll have to take Ross' photo another day.  Like I said, he was feeling too barfy.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Of all the posts I write, todays could take the prize for 'most random'. 
It is what it is.
We took the kids kayaking last weekend.  The weather was clear, the kayaks were loaded, life jackets packed and sandwiches prepared.  Side note: I've reached the point in my life where I feel all I do is make sandwiches.  Anyway, upon arriving at the lake, the kids were more interested in playing on a beach than kayaking.  Maisie excitedly claimed she'd never been to a beach and continued frolicking across the sand while singing a song from Barbie Mermaidia.  Ross was OCD over a crawfish he decided was perfect except for it's missing leg and Molly was scared to death of touching seaweed.  Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures of us kayaking as I'm not comfortable taking my camera into large bodies of water, for obvious reasons.

This weeks hairstyle can be seen in the below photo.  I don't understand how they go all summer with hair that looks like a combination of straw and cotton candy, then as soon as school starts, we have to pull this look off each morning. 

This is Molly upon arriving home from preschool.  She can't even make it through lunch. 

And because this post is so random.  I just had to throw this one in for fun.

Something about that hair looks mighty familiar...