Sunday, September 21, 2014


Sometimes you need refresher.  And sometimes during that refresher, you're reminded how passionate you are about something.  Beyond my passion for all things food; I've come to embrace another passion of mine. 
I was once asked, "What makes you feel like a kid again?  When times flies by and you're so immersed in what you're doing, you forget everything else?"
My answer came quickly... "Taking pictures." 
I was given a day long photography workshop at Living History Farms.  Going in, I didn't know what to expect.  Going out, I felt as though my eyes had opened to the art of photography.  I felt eager to keep learning, to perfect my photography skills and to embrace the art of taking pictures. 
I'm well aware I have a long way to go; yet I'm equally aware of how far I've come.
Plus, I just happen to have a willing subject to practice on at home. 


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