Friday, September 26, 2014

Zip, Tie, Sparkle Wedges

For the past few weeks, Maisie's been begging for a pair of sparkle, zip, tie, wedge shoes.  I had no clue what this type of shoe could possible look like.  Sounded complicated to me.
Apparently, Tavannah wears a pair everyday to school.  I asked her teacher to find out the brand so I could find a pair for Maisie.  Her teacher took a photo for me, but wasn't able to determine what brand they were.  Tavannah only knew the shoes came from the mall.  No help there.
I let the idea fade and of course Maisie began to accept the fact the shoes must not be available anymore.
Low and behold, Winterset online garage sales had a pair of sparkle, zip, tie, wedges for sale Thursday.  Amazingly, they were Maisie's size and only $5!
Thursday night Maisie sent me an email from the Ipod.  She's into emailing me these days.
Thank. You for. The. Whose I love them love yu and thanks
It's the little things.

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