Friday, September 12, 2014

The Difference A Year Makes

This photo was taken a year ago.  He had just turned 8, didn't really get how flag football worked and lacked confidence on the field.  I remember his embarrassment after a particular game where he pulled the wrong flag.  After that, I remember explaining to my sobbing boy why he couldn't skip practices, as well as why he couldn't quit the team.  He would hide in trees before games and after being found, we'd drag him into the van against his will.  It sucked for us, but worse than that was watching how badly he wanted out.
He stuck with it and by the end of the season we started to see improvements.  He understood the game better, made some good plays and actually started to enjoy it.
Enter 2014
Flag football season was approaching and the deadline for sign ups was near.  Ross told me he wasn't going out this year. 
We signed him up anyway. 
When he found out, his anxiety began to mount.  He received his team list and decided he was on the worst team ever. 
But then practice started and he forgot about a very important detail.
He was bigger.  He was older.  He was faster.  He was smarter.  He was stronger. 
He was a leader.
And he's good.
Suddenly, practices are something he can't wait for and games as exciting to him as going on vacation. 
His mouthguard is still huge, but not nearly as gnarled-up as last years was.
He's a champ at pulling flags.  This kid went down just as Ross ripped off his flag.
It's a joy to watch him play, especially knowing how far he's come.  But more than that, I love watching him feel awesome. 
Mostly because he is.
Oh yeah, this year he's #1.

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