Sunday, November 22, 2015

I'm behind

I just realized I haven't posted in a while.  Sorry about that.  In the meantime, Maisie lost another tooth.  This one became loose and fell out all in the same day. 
I fried my computer on Saturday.  It actually happened Friday night, but I'm not admitting fault.  It just so happened I was hired to photograph a wedding on Saturday morning. 
Ironic timing.
Luckily, I live next door to my inlaws.  On purpose.  Seriously.  I almost feel bad for them having to live next to me. 
Anyhoo, they have a computer I'm borrowing.  Otherwise, I would not be typing at this moment.  Therefore, I'll be looking for the best Black Friday computer sale.  Please let me know if you have any insight.  I'm not fancy, but I'm particular, if thats such a thing.

We have a mouse in the garage.  I've tried my darnest to keep it out of the house.  I threw Kuda out there earlier this afternoon after I watched the mouse run out of my running shoe.  Literally, threw Kuda.  Kuda got too cold and we ended up bringing him back inside without the kill.  Luckily, Goose is in the garage right now and I'm praying for a blood bath.
Sorry for the delay in photos.  The kids played in the snow today.  I took photos but haven't downloaded them yet.  We got 3-5 inches Friday night.  They are most excited about attaching the dog leash to the blow-up intertube and making Goose run them up and down the driveway. 
Its the little things.

1 comment:

  1. Save Big Money At Menards ...... They sell computers by now eye am sure !!!
