Monday, November 2, 2015

Squirrel Hunt Promises

I promised squirrel hunt photos in my last post.  Little did I know it would take me over a week to get them posted for your viewing pleasure.  What's a girl to do?

What?  The wagon of death photo isn't the one you were hoping for?
Perhaps you'd be more interested in the image of young children watching their Papa skin a raccoon?  It is coon season you know.
Yee Haw!
Uncle Greg was the Squirrel Hunt winner this year.  Sounded like he was attacked by a flock of squirrels right off the get go.

Not real certain what's happening here.  However I do know Ross kept complaining about his jacket smelling weird afterwards.
I'm guessing his hands didn't smell much better...
The fathers and sons line up for the annual squint into the sun photo because it's 11:30 and shade isn't an option.
Looks like someone's girls have the open-mouth smile down pat.
Is there anything better than genuine joy? 
I think not.
Turns out I'm this handsome fellers girlfriend.  He took me on a date to the cabin and the garden.  I sort of felt like I was handed the rose on the Bachelor. 
Men with dead squirrels.
Cael practicing for a quad.
until next year.

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