Sunday, November 15, 2015

The Big 3 7

What is it about birthdays that bring on so much pressure?  Yes, I turned 37 on Saturday.  Okay, okay it was my birthday.  The anniversary of the day I was born 37 years ago. 
Let's face it, as long as were alive, we'll definitely have a birthday.  Why does Facebook swarm us with messages from distant acquainted civilians on that anniversary...why do people want to talk to us on that day and not others... what makes us famous on our birthday?
Two days before my birthday, I shut down my personal Facebook page.  It felt phony to me.  I don't believe an explanation is necessary.
  I kept my business Facebook page as a test.  I was curious who would feel the urge to wish me a Happy Birthday through Heidi's Kitchen. 
Call me bored or call me a scientist.  Your choice.
On my birthday several Facebookers logged onto Heidi's Kitchen to wish me their best.  Cool.  I 'liked' their post.
Forced?  I don't know.  However, I do know there is a pressure to wish Happy Birthday to people we really don't know on Facebook because of their little reminder button.
I think it's ridiculous and frankly, stupid.
If you don't know it's my birthday without Zukenbergs little reminder, perhaps a "Happy Birthday Heidi, hope you have a great day" isn't really necessary?  I don't know, just a thought.
What meant the most to me on my birthday follows:
A morning love call from my boyfriend, Sam Schulz
Molly's 'pretty' birthday card.
Maisie and Molly making me dinner.
Mike cleaning the kitchen after breakfast.
Ross sitting at the breakfast bar and saying, "Happy Birthday".  Genuinely.
A beautiful gift from my sister.
A gift of time with stinky, hyper boys from my in-laws.
Wine. Wine. Wine.
A perfect run down a gravel road at my own pace after morning coffee.
A call from my brothers.
Being able to call this life mine.
Knowing my husband adores me.
Knowing what's truly important in life....

At one point I walked outside and saw my husband in this contraption. 

It's about people.  It's about love.  And it's about laughter.  I may be getting older, but at the same time, I'm feeling more and more alive.


  1. Happy Birthday .... Of course ..... No Social Media here ..... I have just enough time to Czech your blog !! Good luck with da science 'spearmint
