Tuesday, November 8, 2016

An American 14 Year Old

It seems as though everyday since Macks arrival, we realize just how much we take for granted.
Today Mack turned 14.  I had (and still have) no idea what to get him for a birthday gift.  When asked what he wants, he responds, "Don't know".  He's not familiar with presents, let alone being asked what he wants.  It's a foreign concept.
I gave him a wrapped gift from GG and Papa to open this morning.

It was clear he had no idea what to do with it.

Of course his brother and sisters were quick to show him how to open a present, but watching him open a gift for what might be the first time was priceless.  He was gentle, trying not to rip any wrapping paper.  He pulled off the pieces of tape and re-stuck them onto the paper.  It took him a long time to open the gift, and once the paper was off, he seemed confused again.

Of course his siblings explained he needed to look inside the box.
The whole thing was like a scene out of the movie 'Splash'.  

Two months ago he was a citizen of China.  He waited 8 years for a family to find him and bring him home.
  Had he woken in China this morning, his chance of finding a family would have been gone forever.

I spent my prep period at school translating a  menu from English to Chinese on Google Translate so he'd be able to order his own birthday dinner at a restaurant. 
Is's not easy for him to share his wants or needs, for reasons which extend beyond the language barrier.

We live a blessed life, and take so much for granted...

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