Tuesday, November 22, 2016


Seriously, Black Friday ads are posted, shopping lists are being made and we're approaching the most wonderful time of the year.  I'm seeing family photos posted on Facebook left and right with the "So Thankful For' title and realized we needed a new family photo too.

I was fortunate to get an appointment with Heather Schulz Photography out of Ankeny.  She and her gorgeous assistant drove all the way to Saint Charles to capture our family.

We worked our butts off to capture the 'golden hour' but sheesh, November skies are tricky with lighting.  It's a good thing Heather and her assistant, Laura were able to run up hills and cross dams in order to beat the light. 

My little loves. 

 LOVE the idea and photo.  HATE my neck.  WTF?  What is happening?  Do I seriously have an Adams apple?  Good lord.  The late 30's are not being kind.

Yep, he farted.



This is us.  Plain and simple yet bright and shadowy at the same time.  The bald guy and I are in this together.  It's amazing how life is full of adventures if we're willing to pursue them. Turns out we're adventurers.  
Always have been. 

We give thanks this time of year for so much more than the pie. 

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