Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Bucket Lists

Around 3 years ago, I took a photo of Ross' bucket list created at school.  Maisie did this same assignment, however I didn't get a photo of her 'bucket', like I did Ross'.  Clear example of first vs. second child syndrome.

In the same breath, I'm confident Maisie's 2nd Grade bucket list doesn't resemble her 3rd Grade bucket list.  For example, she recently told me Trying A Macaroon was at the top of her list.  Whhaatt??  In a weak moment, I told her we'd skip school someday and make macaroons together.  She was ecstatic as I realized just how big of a deal macaroon tasting was.  She definitely wasn't going to be forgetting this offer anytime soon. 

That night as I tucked her into bed, she mentioned she would be 9 in the spring. 

I know!

I made a promise to myself to make sure this girl got to taste a macaroon one way or another.  I started looking up recipes and came to the quick conclusion making macaroons was a pain in the arse.  Time passed and she wasn't letting it go.  She asked if we could stay home and try macaroons on Wednesday. 

I battled the idea in my head before deciding life is short, kids grow too fast and dammit, I've got sick days available.  I called Maisie in sick for Wednesday, found a sub to cover my classes and told her to 'play sick' so her siblings would buy it Wednesday morning.  Guess what?
It worked.

We headed straight to La Mia (A French Café in Des Moines which sells macaroons) where she told me she'd be able to check TWO things off her bucket list.  Apparently, she had Taste an Éclair on her list as well.

And of course, we had macaroons.

She seemed to like 'em.
At the end of the day, we decided it was an 'M' day.  We tried Macaroons, went to Sally's Beauty Supply to look for the Mannequin Heads, went to the Mall, tried on Make Up at Sephora (then went to buy some at TJ Maxx) and sang along to lots of Music.  Kelly Clarkson and Ella Henderson are her favs these days.
We came home for Pinterest-inspired Arts and Crafts, minus the Crafts (her idea) and I realized how fast the day goes. 

We talked about school as we colored and she was realized Thursday was the last day of the school week due to conferences.  She explained, "The week went SO fast!  The days were long, but the week was FAST".

I feel the same way about life.

I realized we are all replaceable.  A sub can fill in for our students, a housekeeper can fill in for our house responsibilities, people can find alternate 'soup basket ideas'...

However, I'm the only Mom they've got.
Life's short.  I'm lucky.
End of Story.

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