Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Busy Night

Last night began with an email warning from Grandma Boyd explaining how Ross and his 2 buddies received a 5 minute time-out during afternoon recess after Ross’ burped loudly and the 3 boys laughed excessively afterwards.  In Ross’ defense he said, “Excuse me”.
Once we arrived home, the evening started with everyone starving to the point of being completely wicked to each other.  I immediately went into 1996 Super Valu Deli employee-mode and whipped-up ramen noodles, mixed vegetables, scrambled eggs, toads in a hole, roast beef sandwiches and lettuce salad, all while helping Ross assemble his lunch for the next day, sift through homework folders and chug a glass a wine at the same time.  I’m a wanna-be multi-tasker.  Within 47 seconds of finishing the rushed smorgasbord I called dinner, I heard it.  “But Mom, I’m still hungry.”
So thankful for my Super Valu Sub Station Experience. 

Maisie had gymnastics last night, which meant getting her into her leotard would be the next feat.  Mike came home from work a tad early so I put him on leotard duty.  All was well until I heard him barking about how grossed out he was by her constant she-she exposure.  I explain it’s just a phase, tell him to be sure she washes her hands, and the evening rolls on. 
Molly soon realized I was leaving for gymnastics with Maisie and the crying began.  Oddly, I was o.k. with it and actually looked forward to the 30 minutes of childlessness.  Once Maisie was dropped off, I walked across the street to the library where I learned the library’s computer system was down.  Some old guy started telling me how North Korea detonated a nuclear bomb yesterday which was the reason the system was down.  I must have looked too friendly, because he followed me around the library like a lost puppy for the next 12 minutes, explaining the details of the bomb.  Recalling a moonlight skate at Eldridge Skate Park with my mom as a kid, I determine picking up strays must be a genetic thing.  I quickly checked-out a book-on-tape about gratitude as the librarians had to physically write down the numbers because as you recall, the nuclear bomb sabotaged the Winterset library computer system the previous day.  Thank heavens the Dewey Decimal System is still in use.
Maisie snagged a sucker after gymnastics and thought to grab one for her sister too.  When we arrived home she told Ross, “Sorry Ross, I didn’t get one for you.  I forgot I had a brother.”
The rest of the evening involved discovering Molly had peed in the potty chair and was attempting to dump it in the toilet on her own, taping candy to over 50 valentines for school/daycare parties, calming Ross’ fears about a witch who can kill on contact and a naughty puppet he saw on cable, realizing Molly had again removed her diaper and was now trying to poop in the potty chair but missed, and trying to locate the cat to make sure he was outside for the night.

There's nothing like passing out on your sisters shoulder with a chocolate milk moustache.

Some nights I collapse into bed feeling as though I’ve won.  Last night was one of those nights.

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