Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Blue and Gold Banquet

We got the chance to experience our first Blue and Gold Boyscout Banquet Monday night. Seeing the excitement on the kids' faces during the evening was pure joy.  As a kid I lived for these types of events.  Whether it was a 4-H Potluck, a Farm Bureau Banquet or a Blondell Family Reunion, something about eating mass produced food, sitting in uncomfortable folding chairs and eating off plastic utensils was such a big deal.  We didn't get out much.  Add a dessert auction with a live auctioneer to that, and you've got a crazy night out on the town. 

Grandma and Maisie at the Blue and Gold Banquet.

Papa and Mike work on crossword puzzles which were at each place setting.

Maisie loved being at the banquet.

Grandma bidding on the car cake Ross wanted. 

Ross' face when he found out Grandma got the cake.

The car cake.  You can see why 7-year-olds would find this awesome. 

Ross got to throw a pie in one of the scout leaders' face.  He thought this was hilarious.

The Oreo Cake we bought at the auction.  It was deadly good.  The car car cake was enjoyed by Ross' 1st grade class at school today.  I think Ross felt pretty special. 

This could be the first of many Blue and Gold Banquets.  Ross assures us, he's going all the way to Eagle Scout. 

I believe him.

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