Friday, March 1, 2013

1st Grade Music Program

Ross had his 1st Grade Music Program Thursday night.  The photos tell the story of the evening better than I can.

Ross meeting with his class before the program started.

As the curtains opened, all the students were deperately looking for familiar faces.  I'm guessing those lights were pretty bright. 

Ross instructed me on the way to the program I couldn't wave or make any loud sounds like, "Whoop whoop!" or "Go Ross", because he wasn't aloud to yell anything back.  We decided if he spotted us, he would itch his nose... that would be our signal.

He never itched his nose; couldn't find us.  He later told me he felt like a red ant was pinching his ball-skin the entire time and he had to focus extra hard to not itch it, which made his eyes water. 

I admire his will power.   


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