Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A Right of Passage

Before he was even born, I dreaded it.  Once the first one popped up, I knew it was inevitable.  Sure, he’s already lost bottom teeth but there’s just something about those top ones.

He has such tiny little teeth to start with.  Practically worn down to nubs, like tiny Indian corn kernels.  I blame it on all that “woo-chewing” as a youngster.  Don’t be concerned- ‘woo’ is a small security blanket with an Eyeore head sticking out the corner.   Ross couldn’t keep it out of his mouth.  It smelled worse than most body functions smell, but we don’t need to dwell on that. 

Sunday afternoon Ross was struck with severe tooth pain.  The tooth was loose and its time had come.



Meanwhile, Maisie practices drama in the background.

I felt nostalgic during our final moments with all his top teeth intact, so like any good mom I went straight for my camera to forever capture the moment.  Like a right of passage for all 7-10 year olds, he would be entering the next phase of childhood.   One I call, 'The awkward -face phase.'  His little corn kernel teeth would be leaving us, only to be replaced with chunky Chick-lits until his face has a chance to grow into them.
Suddenly, he will transform from my little boy, into a big kid with big teeth.

Oh who am I kidding, my little boy will always be my little boy, chunky teeth and all.

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