Tuesday, March 5, 2013

March 4th

Life as I know it changed on Monday, March 4th.  At 11:30 a.m. I was called into a meeting room, only to be told the Test Kitchen was dissolving. The place I’ve called home for the past 12 years of my career.

March Forth…

Going forward, I will be an administrative assistant working with computers systems which are completely foreign to me.

March Forth…

The range of emotions; surprise, disappointment, curiosity, confusion, sadness, anger, anxiety, sure makes me feel ‘alive’. 

March Forth…

Then, I think of perspective.  How lucky am I that I still have a job; when so many others don’t?  How lucky am I that my hours and benefits won’t change?  How lucky am I that I don’t work nights or weekends?  How lucky am I that a company found a job to transition me into, when they didn’t have to?  How lucky am I?

March Forth…

I realized I could look at this so many ways.  I’m choosing to look at it as a blessing rather than a curse.  I know in my heart of hearts this move is helping me get where I’m supposed to be.  I’m not exactly sure where that it right now, but I’m counting on faith to see me through.

I’m much tougher than I look.  I will March Forth.

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