Tuesday, December 31, 2013


The girls are ecstatic. Cousin Laura invited them to spend the day with her in Ankeny!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Friends Over Today

Ah, yes.  It's Christmas break and everyone's losing their minds.  I decided to be proactive and let the kids invite friends over for the afternoon.
Poor Moo is just to little to have friends over.  Yet Maisie's friends are always so kind to her.  I just learned today that Maisies' friend, Katie (below) has a 3-year-old sister and 4-year-old sister.  This could turn into something...
 Also, if you aren't up to date with PBS Kids on IPTV, there is a "Snow Engineer" program going on.  Basically, you create something out of snow, snap a picture of it, and email it to their studio.  Well, you know how we are regarding media publicity and I'm all over this.
Don't ask what happened to our Snowman's mouth, buttons, ears, or why his torso is much larger than his bottom. I had planned to make an 'upside-down-snowman', but the bottom we made was way to heavy for Ross and I to lift above chest-height.  Believe me, we tried and I pity those who drove by during the ordeal.  Sorry Toni Tindle.
Never-the-less, the above photo is our submittal to the station.  Keep your eyes peeled on PBS kids to find out if we were selected.  Fingers crossed.
The rock band...
Alphabet instruction...
and goofy smile.

I apologize there are no pictures of Ross and his guest.  They were busy shooting cap-guns (which were purchased at Ben Franklins earlier in the day) in the basement. 
I threatened him with his life if woke his sister whom had just crashed on the couch.  Little Moo had a tough afternoon.  No friend, then I found the girls had mistakenly left her alone in the fort (she doesn't know how to climb down), had to ride in the bike trailer smooshed between the big girls and then got her finger pinched in the mud-room door.   My heart went out to her. 
Lucky for us, we now have a wide selection of Band-Aids at our house.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve

I'm not positive, but Christmas Eve day could be the longest day of the year...

Just sayin'

Thursday, December 19, 2013

The fox verses the gingerbread man

Ross made this at school yesterday.  It was in his 'take-home' folder. 
I have no words and can only imagine his teachers expression when she read this...

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


It began like any other day after school.  The air felt warm and the kids wanted to 'go somewhere'.  They talked me into going to Middle River Park where we enjoy walking the trails and hunting crinoid fossils.

Once we arrived, we noticed a gate that said "No Parking" was blocking the entrance to the park.  We've parked in front of this gate before and just walked around the gate to enter.  No bigs. 

While at the park, we followed mysterious animal and human footprints in the snow, explored a run-down wooden playset and threw heavy rocks at the ice covering middle river.   Before long, our fingers were cold and the sun was barely visible.  That's when I heard gun shots and remembered it was shotgun season.  I explained to the kids we needed to get home and that we should race to the mini-van.  We made a game out of it by pretending we were being shot at and if we didn't make it to the van before sunset, we would be trapped in the woods forever.  I'm a weird mom.

We made it before sunset, yet the moment I put the gear in reverse and pressed the gas, I kicked myself.  Sure enough, we were stuck on ice.  We were parked on a steep incline and the road was snow and ice covered.  As panic set in, I floored it at 10-second intervals causing the van to take on the smell of burnt rubber.  We slowly began making progress, but had a long way to go.  Maisie began crying that she might never see blue blankie again.  Ross unbuckled and got up front with me and for a split second I considered asking him to drive the van while I pushed it up the hill.  Can you even imagine?

I kept flooring it until our van was now sideways on the steep hill with another 20 feet to go.  Black burn-outs zig zagged across the the snow path and I could hear the gravel fly each time I pushed the accelerator to the floor of the van.  Eventually, I got out to evaluate the situation and send up a prayer.

That's when looked down the road and noticed a red truck turning around and coming our way.  A young couple hopped out of the truck as I smiled and told them, "My husbands gonna kill me, these tires were already bald."  The woman was smoking a cigarette and looking at me like I was a complete idiot. Within a few minutes, they got me moving as the man yelled, "Go, go, go!"  I hollered out my window gratefully, "Thank you so much!" as I peeled-out off the shoulder of the road and onto the highway.  

With relief in my chest, I decided to explain something important to my kids.

"You know what those people were?" I asked.

"What?" Ross responded.

"Those were angels.  God sent them here to help us."

Ross looked out the back window and asked, "Mom, do angels smoke?

Friday, December 13, 2013


Mike had a little mishap this week.  This sort of thing happens every once in a while when a guy shaves his head each morning. 
Unfortunately for Mike, the last time I bought band-aids, I went with TXTpressions design.  I couldn’t resist, they were only $1.75 verses $2.50 for the Angry Birds or Hello Kitty designs.  I figured it was a no-brainer and I've mentioned the rising cost of eggs on more than one occasion lately...

This is how Mike went to work Monday.
This was the most neutral design in the box.  We had no clue was SMH meant in text lingo.  We looked it up at the end of the day. 

Turns out it means,
Shaking My Head. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Why don't we get an Elf?

A week ago, Ross asked why Elf on the Shelf never showed up at our house.  He’s never shown an interest in the elf and therefore I figured we dodged that bullet and I’d save the expense of an elf to cover the rising cost of eggs and rotisserie chickens.  However, Ross has entered the age of Santa-suspicion and I knew I’d have to think fast. 

As much as I didn’t want to spend $30 on an Elf… you may recall I’m currently unemployed,  I also didn’t want my kids to feel left out (aka… know they could get away with murder knowing an untouchable elf was not reporting their behavior back to Santa). 

What’s a mom to do?  Luckily for me, I’ve been hoarding a surplus of creative energy by not having to arrange a mischievous elf around mini marshmallows and Legos each night and consequently, the solution arrived all too easily. 

Monday night, while preparing a dinner nobody would eat, we heard the bells.  I entered the living room and was the first to spy it.  Sure as day, a box of chocolates (which accidently had a $2 sticker stuck to it) as well as a personalized note from Santa had been placed in front of the fireplace. 

I’ll let the note explain…

Ross, Maisie and Molly,

I understand you are wondering why I did not send and Elf to your house to keep an eye on you this Christmas season.

I use my elves to watch the children I am not able to check on myself.  I have chosen to watch the three of you myself again this year.  The three of you make me very proud and I enjoy peeking in on you throughout the days.  You may hear my bells now and then.

Ross, you have been very responsible over the past couple of weeks and I enjoy seeing you like this.  I have a perfect gift in mind for you this year.

Maisie, please keep working on using your words and taking care of yourself.  You are a sweet girl and I love listening to you sing.

Molly, you make me laugh often.  Please be sure you are kind to Kratt and brush your teeth.

With love,
Santa Claus

I pray that one day, my kids have as much fun with their children as I do with mine.

Meanwhile, Maisie appears slightly less-enthused.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Friday Night

Friday night I set the scene.  Mike was running a tad late, yet the house was clean and Christmasy.  I opened a bottle of wine, arranged a colorful vegetable platter, turned on jazzy Christmas music, lit a mistletoe candle, touched up my make-up, had Ross at a friends’ house, while the girls were fed and happy watching Frosty the Snowman on NBC. 
I envisioned Mike walking in the door to tell me how nice the house looked and smelled, how desirable I was and we would enjoy a date night together at home laughing and having deep conversations about how we would save the world; or something like that.

This is actually what happened.   

Mike walked in the house.  Molly ran up and jumped on him while Maisie began bawling that she needed to pee and was scared of bad guys.  Mike then exclaimed that he needed to change his clothes immediately as his work shirt reeked of b.o. and would need to be boiled.  I asked what happened and he said a guy at work gave him some free deodorant and it didn’t have ‘antiperspirant’ in it. 
I began boiling water.
God, I love this man.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Aunt Heathers Hair

Ever since squirrel hunt weekend, Molly's been obsessed with Aunt Heathers hair.  Each time I straighten my hair a little more than normal or use a barrette, she responds, "You look like Aunt Heather!" Molly tells me each morning, "Make your hair like Aunt Heather."  Last night she told me how beautiful my hair looked... just like Aunt Heather.  This morning she asked If I'd do her hair like Aunt Heather.    I did my best and she felt gorgeous... just like her Aunt Heather. 
Here's to you Aunt Heather!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Time Does Not Stand Still

When the forecast for the week showed a drastic cold snap settling in, I decided I’d better get Molly to Whistle Stop Park once more before the season came to a close.  Tuesday was the day.  We didn’t have much time before Ross and Maisie would be coming home from school, yet it was important we made the effort.  Of course there were other kids playing when we arrived and Molly instantly became shy and mute.  During the ordeal, her puppy dog eyes pleaded with me to run across the bridge with her, climb the ladders, cargo net, and they even convinced me to go down the twisty slide with her sitting on my lap.  Needless to say, the twisty slide was not my finest moment and one of those moments that’ll make any mom feel like a giant amazon woman with no place to put her knees.  But those eyes are my weakness and time does not stand still.
After a while, the other kids left and it was just her and I.  She became comfortable with the place and was soon going the down twisty slide over and over again, by herself.   This got me wondering whether she’d go down the twisty slide on her own in the spring or if she’d need me go down with her.  That’s when it dawned on me that next spring, my baby… the last to leave my womb… will be 3 ½.  Why does that sound so old to me?  Why do I feel the urge to freeze time so my baby can keep going up and down the twisty slide with twinkles in her eyes and giggles coming directly from her heart? 
Time does not stand still.
As the cold air sets in, it once again becomes evident time will not stand still.   When the kids were much younger, this fact was a blessing.  I recall nights Mike had to travel with such dread.  The minutes seemed like hours and the nights felt like years.  All I could think of was putting the kids to bed to get the night over with. 
Time does not stand still.
Mike was gone again last night.  We played Operation, Outburst, MASH, listened to Ross and Maisie read books, made wishes on magic-wish-paper and closed the evening by turning off the lights and having a candle passing.  So ‘AGD’, I know, but I couldn’t resist.  It was one of those nights I couldn’t have planned, but am so glad happened. 
Time does not stand still. 
I know the day will come when Ross will be at basketball practice, Maisie will have a dress rehearsal and Molly will be babysitting. 
Time does not stand still.
My only wish is they remember these days with the same amount of tenderness and joy that I will. 

A game of MASH on the kitchen counter. 
Meanwhile, each time Molly see's this ad, she swears it's Daddy and Kratt.  
Were going with it.

Monday, December 2, 2013


These are my girls.  They're sisters.  One big and one little. 

 So alike, yet so different.  Each unique in their own way.

 Maisie dances with such drama...as though she truly feels the music.   Molly just pats the top of her head.
 The moment I found out Molly was a girl, I was excited for Maisie.  She would forever have a playmate and best friend.  I was also excited for Molly.  She would also forever have a playmate and best friend. 
 It will be such fun to watch them grow-up together. 

 May they never forget the days of dancing on Grandma's fireplace hearth.

Don't ask how I got the bottom picture to do this.  I couldn't do it again if I tried.