Saturday, December 7, 2013

Friday Night

Friday night I set the scene.  Mike was running a tad late, yet the house was clean and Christmasy.  I opened a bottle of wine, arranged a colorful vegetable platter, turned on jazzy Christmas music, lit a mistletoe candle, touched up my make-up, had Ross at a friends’ house, while the girls were fed and happy watching Frosty the Snowman on NBC. 
I envisioned Mike walking in the door to tell me how nice the house looked and smelled, how desirable I was and we would enjoy a date night together at home laughing and having deep conversations about how we would save the world; or something like that.

This is actually what happened.   

Mike walked in the house.  Molly ran up and jumped on him while Maisie began bawling that she needed to pee and was scared of bad guys.  Mike then exclaimed that he needed to change his clothes immediately as his work shirt reeked of b.o. and would need to be boiled.  I asked what happened and he said a guy at work gave him some free deodorant and it didn’t have ‘antiperspirant’ in it. 
I began boiling water.
God, I love this man.

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