Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Time Does Not Stand Still

When the forecast for the week showed a drastic cold snap settling in, I decided I’d better get Molly to Whistle Stop Park once more before the season came to a close.  Tuesday was the day.  We didn’t have much time before Ross and Maisie would be coming home from school, yet it was important we made the effort.  Of course there were other kids playing when we arrived and Molly instantly became shy and mute.  During the ordeal, her puppy dog eyes pleaded with me to run across the bridge with her, climb the ladders, cargo net, and they even convinced me to go down the twisty slide with her sitting on my lap.  Needless to say, the twisty slide was not my finest moment and one of those moments that’ll make any mom feel like a giant amazon woman with no place to put her knees.  But those eyes are my weakness and time does not stand still.
After a while, the other kids left and it was just her and I.  She became comfortable with the place and was soon going the down twisty slide over and over again, by herself.   This got me wondering whether she’d go down the twisty slide on her own in the spring or if she’d need me go down with her.  That’s when it dawned on me that next spring, my baby… the last to leave my womb… will be 3 ½.  Why does that sound so old to me?  Why do I feel the urge to freeze time so my baby can keep going up and down the twisty slide with twinkles in her eyes and giggles coming directly from her heart? 
Time does not stand still.
As the cold air sets in, it once again becomes evident time will not stand still.   When the kids were much younger, this fact was a blessing.  I recall nights Mike had to travel with such dread.  The minutes seemed like hours and the nights felt like years.  All I could think of was putting the kids to bed to get the night over with. 
Time does not stand still.
Mike was gone again last night.  We played Operation, Outburst, MASH, listened to Ross and Maisie read books, made wishes on magic-wish-paper and closed the evening by turning off the lights and having a candle passing.  So ‘AGD’, I know, but I couldn’t resist.  It was one of those nights I couldn’t have planned, but am so glad happened. 
Time does not stand still. 
I know the day will come when Ross will be at basketball practice, Maisie will have a dress rehearsal and Molly will be babysitting. 
Time does not stand still.
My only wish is they remember these days with the same amount of tenderness and joy that I will. 

A game of MASH on the kitchen counter. 
Meanwhile, each time Molly see's this ad, she swears it's Daddy and Kratt.  
Were going with it.

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