Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Rainbow Dash

Each time Mike Ross made his pinewood derby car for the big race, Mike was able to influence him into a design fairly easily.  The amount of U-tube videos watched on derby cars at our home is incredible.  Really.  You have no idea the intensity of this sport as far as 'scout dads' go. 
Enter Mike.  He's got a 'thing' for cars.  He's got a degree in mechanical science.  He obsesses over details.  He analyzes how to make fast cars.  He's smart, he's detailed and he's got a passion for it.  If it weren't a block of wood, I'd be jealous.
Luckily for Mike, I delivered a son nearly 9 years ago.  That son would join Boy Scouts and Mike's Pinewood Derby days would begin. 
However, turns out Girls Scouts have a Pinewood Derby as well.  Who knew?  Turns out I'd deliver a daughter 6 years ago and she'd also join scouts.  Go figure. 

Maisie decorates her Pinewood Derby car to look like "Rainbow Dash" from My Little Pony.
Maisie's car.  Note the center has been carved out for maximum speed...
and the exquisite artwork that resembles "Rainbow Dash" so accurately.  
Okay, fine.  That part was me.
Ironically, the Girl Scouts have an "Outlaw Division" for people to race Derby Cars even if they're not a Girl Scout.  Ross entered his car.  He won 2nd place.  As did his sister in the Daisy Scout Division.
Maisie also won 3rd place overall against all other age groups.  We had a pretty proud Daddy at our house.  However, U-tube videos on how to WIN pinewood derbys are in full-force at our house these days.

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