Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Four Holes

A story of four holes.
Tuesday was cool, damp and good.  I drove Mater truck around and wore cowgirl boots in honor of this day. 
Tuesday was the official perc test for our future homestead.
  Choosing fixtures, appliances, wood grains and windows is fun to think about, however the perc test holds the most significance.
We failed the test. 
The four holes Mike dug, saturated and filled with water yesterday didn't drain fast enough to pass the test.  No big surprise there.  It just means we'll have to pay a little more to have indoor toilets.  Totally worth it in my book. Apparently, it's pretty tough to pass a perc test in Madison county.  We're still gonna celebrate because...
The key is now unlocked. 
The key which has prevented us from breaking ground, moving dirt and pouring a foundation.  The county doesn't give building permits without an address.  The zoning committee doesn't assign address's without a completed perc test.  
Pass or fail...doesn't matter.
By the end of the week, the rain should end.  By the end of the week those holes will drain, by the end of the week we should have an address. 
In the meantime, Molly and I will watch the rainfall out the only window that opens in our rental and know that the sun will come out tomorrow... or the next day... or the day after that. 

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