Sunday, April 13, 2014

While They Sleep

While they sleep, I listen to the Strawberry Shortcake "Silly Dreamer" song for the gazillionth time this week.  I think of the laundry that needs to be put the dryer, the  head of lettuce which needs chopped, the crusty graham cracker smears in the bathroom sink, the sandwiches I still need to make for Ross' lunch this week, the turd Molly left floating in the toilet bowl (it was a big one), the spilled popcorn crumbs in the van and the Lego's and Barbies scattered throughout the house like an Easter egg hunt.  It's endless. 
But then I stopped myself. 
It will be here tomorrow, next week, and next year.  The Lego's and Barbie's do not grow up.  The van is what it is.  The laundry will eventually be rotated and I can chop the lettuce when we need it.  I've decided to leave the graham cracker smears in the sink as they will eventually be mixed with toothpaste smears by the end of today. 
I chose to notice my girls instead. 
Maisie spent Saturday night at a slumber party and Molly missed her terribly.  I'm pretty sure the feeling was mutual.
I've said it before and I'll say it again.  There's just nothin' like a sister.

Of all the incredible mom's in this world, how amazing that God chose me for them.

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