Sunday, May 4, 2014

6 Year Old Girls

I figured Maisie would invite a few friends over after school, they'd eat cake, play games, laugh, dance, open presents and we'd call it a birthday party. 
Lets just say we need to get Maisie and her friends in theatre. The drama these four 6-year-olds could create was nothing short of raw talent. 
The party began Friday after school.  Popcorn and grape Kool-Aid were consumed in mass quantities before heading to the city park.  Needless to say, the girls decided to wear each others shoes instead of their own, which meant 2 girls ended up with  bloody feet and toes after running through the hedge maze for the next 20 minutes in too-tight shoes.  One girl buckled over with stomach cramps and found it most comfortable to lay in the fetal position on a picnic table.  Meanwhile, another girl announced she needed to pee and proceeded to pee in the grass.  That started a trend because the next thing I knew all Maisie's friends (except the one cramped-up in the fetal position) were peeing next to another picnic table.  That's when I heard one of the girls had also pooped.  Ross ran to the public bathroom (yes, there are real live toilets at this park) to retrieve toilet paper.  By the time he returned another girl decided she needed to poop as well.  I later found out the second pooper didn't really have to poop, but she squeezed so hard she managed to get some diarrhea out.  We still had a scavenger hunt to complete, so I had to block off our make-shift septic area from the hunting grounds. 
Upon returning home, one girl would only play with the cat, another girl fought with Maisie over which marker to use on her easel while another girl raided the cupboard for dry cereal and Ross announced this party sucked. 
4 quarts of Kool-Aid later, the pizza arrived, one girl was bawling, Ross had been spanked with a wooden spoon, another girl was shoveling in Lucky Charms like there was no tomorrow, and Maisie told me one of the girls peed in the bathroom trash can because Maisie was sitting on the toilet. 
Eventually, make-up was done, nails were painted, cake had been eaten, dances were danced and songs were sung.  That's when Mike and I realized we still had 1-1/2 left to go.
Go figure.
The Barbie cake chills out in the fridge before the party.
Wii Dance competition.
Maisie makes a wish.

The girls decided to form a band.  Mike and I weren't sure the evening could get any better.
They got along for 3-5 minutes as a 'sidewalk band'.
But then someone decided something wasn't fair and the band broke up. 
Once the party ended, I noticed Ross had picked frosting off Barbie's boob and also noticed how creepy her eyes were.  I dumped the pee out of the bathroom trash can, vacuumed strawberry cake out of the rug, washed frosting out of Barbie's armpits and hair and called it a wrap. 
I wonder what 7-year-old girls are like...

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