Wednesday, May 14, 2014

1st Runner Up

  It's official.  I'm second place.  First runner up in beauty pageant terms.  I've been suspicious of my status since August and I've realized my hunch was right.  Sure, the winner is glamorous, smart, funny, wears big earrings, is kind, generous, and according to Maisie looks like a model.  Maisie actually told me she wants to marry her.  Meanwhile, I try my hardest not to act jealous when Maisie constantly tells me how amazing her teacher is. 

I'm thrilled my daughter is in love with her teacher.  I'm thrilled her teacher has given her the strongest educational foundation I could ever ask for.  I'm thrilled she's become Maisie's role model and someone she perceives to be perfect in every way.  As thrilled as I am, I'm still jealous.  But I'm getting over it.  Really.
Maisie would play school from morning until night if she didn't get to go to school during the day.  She writes 'morning messages' and signs them, 'Love Mrs. Hall.'  She didn't want to see the neighbors new cat because she preferred to stay home and play school instead.  (Either that, or she's seen her share of kittens lately).  Watching her mimic her favorite teacher (and probably person) in the whole world, makes it obvious what a gem this woman truly is. 
That's why under my first-runner-up crown, I have nothing but gratitude for the woman my daughter calls Mrs. Hall.
She was only missing one thing.  Students.  Luckily the Barbies haven't had dates with Ken lately.  His head fell off and is currently missing.

I didn't notice it at the time, but it appears one student must have been misbehaving.

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