Wednesday, May 21, 2014


While tucking the kids into bed, Molly and I had the following conversation.

Mom, do you love Ross?
Of course I do.
Because he's responsible, smart, funny, good, respectful and kind.
Kind of what?

She later said something rude to which I asked where her manners were.  She responded matter-of-factly,  "In my body".

The girls have been 'buddy-buddy' lately.  They often snuggle-buggle before bedtime.

And below is when they realized I was taking their picture.

Have I mentioned I love Wednesdays?  School doesn't start until 9:00 on Wednesdays.  It's the perfect mid-week break.  We took advantage of the late start morning, gorgeous weather and the fact that we have a sidewalk to play on.
And, below is Molly photo bombing the background wearing a gymnastics leotard with underwear hanging out the sides before school this morning. 
I've learned how to crop.

Molly going with the Shawn Johnson look this morning.

Maisie insisted on holding the chalk to her face for this photo. 

Ross wouldn't smile normally for me. Therefore, I was forced to make snorting laugh sounds to get a real smile out of him.  Pretty sure he finally smiled to make me stop before any neighbor kids came outside.

I don't know if it's the humidity level, the sweet fragrance of spring in the air, the endless blue sky, the warm breeze... or perhaps the fact that this is the first summer since I've had kids that I don't have to mention the word 'daycare'. 
Dear Summer Break,
Bring it on.  I'm ready for you.

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