Thursday, May 22, 2014

Dance Rebellion

Maisie's been in ballet since fall.  The recital is approaching.  I received a copy of the pre-recital itinerary 2 days ago.  I'm still processing it as apparently, I'm waaayyy out of the loop.
Let me begin by saying a dance costume isn't cheap (which will be worn once).  Tights aren't cheap (a pair without holes needed to be purchased before the recital).  Turns out there's a 'recital fee' to cover the cost of the auditorium as well as a photographer.  Oh, and I was handed another form for purchasing individual and class photos.  As a bonus, if I spend over $25 on photos I'd be emailed a high resolution photo of Maisie in her ballet costume to treasure until the end of time.  I'm questioning why I'm lacking the intensity of the ordeal as other mom's were talking excitedly about the recital at library school, other mom's were busy primping their daughters before photos as though it was their wedding day, other mom's were talking about the proper way to 'hang' costumes for the maximum amount of tulle fluffage, while another mom was busy applying bronzer to her 3-year-old because she looked 'too pale'.
Then there's Maisie's mom.
I rebelled (aka ran out of money for 6-year-old ballet expenses) and took my own photos of Maisie in our front yard.  Maisie still needed to be at the dance studio for the  'class photo' during which time my other 2 kids acted like wild hyenas causing a ridiculous scene in front of the other parents while Molly depanced me twice.  Pants or no pants, I eventually I threw my hands up in the air and figured if my kids were obnoxious enough, the photographer just might work faster to get us out of there. 
With that off my chest, I know one thing for sure.  The photos I captured in front of an evergreen tree are pictures that wouldn't exist had she been standing in front of a white drop cloth, hands awkwardly posed with a fake smile and weird chin tilt on her face.  Meanwhile, I have no doubt these shots will be treasured until the end of time. 


And of course, Moo was not to be forgotten in Maisie's old gymnastics leotard...
God love her.

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