Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Maxi Dress

Maxi dresses have been all the rage around 411 E. Washington.  Ironically, finding one smaller than size 7 has become nothing short of a wild goose chase.  Luckily, we found a style that came in size 7, yet fit Maisie with some alterations (thank you Grandma Boyd).  Therefore, it came as no surprise when Molly announced she too needed a maxi dress.  I'm pretty sure maxi dresses don't come in size 3's due to a safety hazard, however Molly can be awful cute when she wants something and finds a way to justify it. 
Lucky for us, Grandma Boyd owns a sewing machine.  Lucky for us, Grandma Boyd is retired.  Lucky for us, Grandma Boyd is wrapped around Molly's finger. 
Therefore, Grandma Boyd took Molly shopping for fabric to make her very own maxi dress.  Turns out Molly spotted the fabric immediately.  Grandma tried showing her all kinds of other patterns, but Molly insisted on her first selection and proceeded to carry the bolt of fabric under her arm until the purchase was made. 
Grandma Boyd and Molly have developed a pretty tight bond.  Since last August, Grandma shows up 3 days a week to play with Molly while I go running.  As much of a gift it's been to me, I'm confident the two of them have found the true treasure of that gift. 
The below photos showcase Molly's new maxi.

Meanwhile, stay tuned for photo's of our staked out house, a skateboard swing I built and hung Sunday, as well as an update on Ross as he just told me he discovered an unopened Lunchable at the City Park and ate it...

1 comment:

  1. Precious. I LOVE LOVE LOVE reading these...your posts are always the sunshine in my day (especially b/c I read them at work when I need a pick-me-up.) XOXOXO -Jill
