Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Do You Wanna Build A Snowman?

Molly awoke Sunday pre-sunrise to inform Daddy and I of breaking news.  There was a lot of snow outside.  As we silently thought about how snow would delay our house building process even further, we choked out an excited, "yea, snow!" to share in her enthusiasm.  The next question came as no surprise,  "Mama, can we make a snowman today?"
A week or two ago, she and I were discussing snow.  I explained that you can actually eat snow, it's just frozen water.  I like to throw in random science tidbits any chance I get and often remind my kids I'm actually a scientist.  Seriously, it's on my college diploma.  Family and Consumer Sciences.  So there's that.  The conversation led into not eating the yellow snow.  I'm sure you can imagine the questions that followed.
Back to Sunday mornings' snowman question.  "I'm not sure Molly, it might not be the right kind of snow to make a snowman today.  We'll have to check". 
Molly's response, "It's the right kind Mama, it the white kind... maybe a little yellow, but mostly white!"
God bless her.

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