Thursday, November 6, 2014

Shopping at Vagina

My conversation with Molly...

Molly, we need to stop by Pamida before we go home.
But mom, I need to change my pants.
Okay, fine.
Upon getting Molly out of the car to change her pants, she begins whining at me. "No, first vagina!"
First vagina!
Vagina? You need to go potty first?
Mom, what does vagina mean again? 
By your bottom where the babies come out?
No, I said first vagina!!

It took me a minute to figure it out.  Turns out she had vagina and Pamida mixed up.  She wanted to go to Pamida before changing her pants at home.  No wonder she gets so chapped.
However, from now on, I may always refer to Pamida as Vagina. 

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