Sunday, September 13, 2015

Game of the Weekend

5 years ago I was naming photos on my computer "Ross 5".  Of course he had just turned 5, Molly was still a newborn and Maisie had a hemangioma growing on her nose. 
Those were the days.
Today I named a new photo on my computer.  It was "Ross 5" and I couldn't help but reminisce. 
However, the '5' was not for his age this time. 
He's number 5 on the Cowboys Little Husky Football Team.  He's also the cute one in the middle, incase you couldn't tell.
He's a running back on offence.  And a linebacker on defense. 
He's also awesome. 
He's the one with the black forearm pads. 
Thank you Papa Boyd.
Papa Boyd sat through 3 practices a week (since before school started), made sure Ross had water and string cheese on the way to practice and outfitted him with all the gear he needed.  Ross has always been a lucky kid...
Below my #5 is down.  But he hasn't dropped the ball!
Ross is the one in the middle, running with the ball.
So close to scoring a touchdown...
Another fall.
Pre half-time score.
Iowa/Iowa State Game... Who cares?  I made it to the game of the weekend.

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