Thursday, September 3, 2015

Picture Day, Knives and Hiding

Lifetouch is back in town.  Therefore, I took my annual before school on picture-day pictures.  This year the I had to aim the camera toward the sunrise to capture enough light to get a descent photo.  It's still pretty dark at 6:30!

One of the perks of working at a school without air conditioning is early outs.  Thursday was our first 2-hour early dismissal.  Wish the announcement hadn't been made during our first lab of the semester and the bell hadn't rung 2 minutes later.
My Foods 1 and Foods 2 class are learning basic culinary cuts.  Below is the prize-winners finished product.  You probably can't read the plate, but the cuts are julienne, fine mince, batonette and brunoise.  I was impressed!
Molly is slowly getting better at preschool drop off time.  She still likes to hide under my desk before class though...
She still needs to work on eating lunch though.  Below is what her lunchbox looks like afterschool.  Chocolate has been her diet this week at school. 
I'm sure her teachers are thrilled. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice photos!!! Remember the heat on a blustery Winter day ... Thats what I tell our students .... Cuz it's hotter than a rats arse in North Texas ....
