Sunday, August 30, 2015

We survived

We survived... week one, that is.
Ross and Maisie seem normal after their first week of school.  They spend an awful lot of time on the bus, but it's better than hanging out on the streets.
Molly started preschool on Tuesday.  All I can say is, 'Yikes'.  That girls' got some emotions.  The below photo was snapped prior to leaving the house on her first day.  She had just tripped over the rug on the front porch and scraped her knees.  She tried her best to be brave, but she's only 5 and had a lot of feelings going through her little mind that morning.  I should've known then...

Once we arrived to her classroom, the tears, begging and screams started.   I left her classroom as she reached for my hand screaming bloody murder. 
It was absolute hell walking away from her.  But as a mom who loves her baby, I had no choice but to put on my 'tough mom face' and leave her. 
Did I mention it was hell?
Her second day went better.  She likes the bus ride home and made a friend. 
It's the little things right now.
My first week also went well and I've been practicing with "Baby Think It Over" over the weekend for my Child Development class.  GG had to babysit a bit Sunday afternoon. 
Isn't she cute? 
GG, not the baby.
Molly, Laura and Maisie decided to have a water balloon fight Sunday afternoon.  Their personalities sure come through this photo, don't they?
Ross trying his best to be bored.
Wish us luck as we approach week 2!

1 comment:

  1. Bus rides always SEEM long ...... But I am sure the driver is pedaling as fast as they can !!!
