Sunday, August 2, 2015


In my previous post I mentioned we were moving in. And yes, our stuff is moved in but our bodies are not. The water is not hooked up, toilets and faucets are not installed and our air conditioner has been stolen. But on the positive side, we are completely out of the rental house. Also, Mikes parents left for Wisconsin for a couple weeks giving us full access to their home while they're gone. My parents came to stay a few days to help us finish the moving process and help with anything and everything else they could think of. We are beyond blessed. Below is a list of the most asked questions I get... 1. When do you think you'll be able to actually move in? Answer: We've extended our construction loan another month. Our septic guy has another couple days of getting the water hooked up. The septic inspection with the county is tentatively set for Tuesday. We will also have an electrical inspection before we can officially 'occupy' the home. 2. What's up with the air conditioner? Answer:" 2 weeks ago Mikes dad witnessed a truck pulling out of our driveway with our air conditioner/heat exchange unit in the back of their truck. It was a real blow but when we found out insurance may not cover the theft and the stolen unit (which is what our entire HVAC system is set up to work with) is no longer available, it was a major kick in the gut. 3. When does Heidi start work? Answer. I go to work on the 17th. Mikes parents are planning to be back from Wisconsin in time to watch the kids while I'm working. Again, blessed. 4. How are Kratt and Goose getting along. Answer. Not good. Both are still alive though. Sometimes it feels as though this is a test. We started the building process 14 months ago. The process has come with its share of challenges. We've had so many opportunities to want to give up, to question why we're doing this, to feel like the universe is against us... but we 'keep on swinging till we get it right' As a favorite musician once said, We've got 'Faith in Faith.

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