Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Whose is that?

If you were around 2 years ago when Ross played his first year of flag football, you may recall him wanting to quit.  He didn't quite understand the game, was hesitant to touch the ball, and very self-conscious of making mistakes.  I'll never forget the day we were leaving for his game as he hid in the branches of a tree.  
It was miserable...for all if us.
If you spent any time with Ross in July, you may recall his obsessive worrying and discussion about football tryouts.
Again, it was miserable... for all of us.
Which is why I didn't see this coming.
#5 runs with the ball.
Someone got his toe.

Again, #5 runs with the ball.
And maneuvers around #22

Less than 5 seconds after I snapped the first photo, Ross was down.  And he didn't get right back up.  He lay there... hurt.
All I could say was 'shit'.
In the photo, you can see the kid in red grabbing for the back of Ross' neck.  He ended up grabbing the top of Ross' neck pad and pulling him down, twisting Ross' knee in an awkward position. 
In that moment, I pictured Ross in a cast.  I didn't know where, but I figured something was broken.
Well, thanks to all the calcium in chocolate milk and mac and cheese, my boys bones aren't breaking anytime soon. 
He was back in the game after 5 minutes. 
He rocked it.


  1. Did you get the license plate numbers of his parental units ??!!??

    1. No, but you better believe I've got their coach under surveillance😏
