Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Discovering Joy

I had tired eyes today.  Could be due to the fact that our evenings get late.  It's not like we're trying to stay up late,  it's just the way it's been working out.  Could be that Ross is still sleeping on our closet floor... he's afraid up sleeping upstairs in his room for fear of 'bad guys'.  Could be that I get up at 5 a.m. to get my exercise in for the day.  Could be that I'm rewriting an entire curriculum for the FCS department at I-35.  Could be that it feels so incredible to actually be living in our house, I don't want the days to end.  Regardless of the cause, I feel tired.
Wednesday afternoon I came home to Molly.  The weather couldn't have been more perfect to take her baby doll for a walk around the house.
We started on the porch. 
Nope, still haven't gotten the stickers off the upstairs windows.  The window are above the steps and I'll need some scaffolding to reach those.
There's my smiley monkey. 
She has a way of making my heart feel enormous.
And the grass growing in our yard. 
Can you believe that?  We have a real live 'yard'!
Molly even discovered a snail shell in that yard. 
Animals are finding shelter in our grass. 
Love. It.
There is also a propane tank sitting in that yard as of today.  I felt a picture of a propane tank was dumb.
Eventually we came back around to the side of the porch. 
I clearly remember when that porch wasn't a porch.
October 18th 2014
Yep, today my tired eyes are discovering the joy that comes with gratitude.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Kids and pets don't really kids and pets don't really care how tired you are ..... They just want your heart !!!
