Thursday, October 15, 2015

Where I'm Supposed to Be

There have been one, maybe two... times in my life where it felt like I was exactly where I was supposed to be... doing exactly what I was supposed to be doing. 
Today was one of those days.
Nothing out of the ordinary happened.  Mike was traveling and I was able to get my kids off to school on my own. 
No bigs.
My students arrived and I found myself laughing out loud more than 3 times in first hour. 
It's therapy for me.
I came home from school and sat on my front porch, simmering in the October sun until Molly's bus showed up. 
At 4:05 I head up to the bus drop-off point.  I get to pick up Maddie.  She is one of the happiest, funnest and adorable 13-year-old girls I've ever been in the presence of.  How the heck did I get so lucky?  Maddie started coming home with us after school and hanging out with the girls.  
They are obsessed with her. 
Therefor, life is good.
Below Maddie helps Molly with "Let It Go"
Maisie sings "Eye of a Tiger"
Maddie and Maisie playing school in the loft.
Below is their "family portrait". 
Later in the afternoon, I played a preacher for a wedding, a judge who signed wedding and divorce papers, as well as a doctor who stitched up a doll head, delivered a baby as it popped out of Maisie's shirt and brought Maddie back to life with the healing power of pretzels. 
Is it me, or has pretend play become an episode of Days of our Lives?

1 comment:

  1. It's not you ..... And it's not an afternoon soap .... It is life .... Enjoy ..... Breathe it in and suffocate in it ......
