Friday, October 9, 2015

This and That

Where to begin?
If you weren't aware, Kratt the cat is missing.  He's been gone several weeks now and on Monday we thought we'd found him.  A slew of cats hang out at a house down the road.  I had a hunch to check it out after school.

Below sits an orange cat.  We called him and he turned his back to us.  I actually picked him up and petted him, calling him Kratt the whole time.  I took a photo and texted it to Mike.  Mike's response.  "That's Kratt.  He looks like crap though, we should get him to the vet."

We decided to take him home.  However, by this point we couldn't get him in the van.  He ran and hid behind fences, under bushes... but we kept stalking him.

Eventually we gave up and figured we'd call the homeowners that evening when they got home.

Turns out the orange cat wasn't Kratt.  It's George, and they've had him for years.  So there's that.

School is going well (for me) and I seem to keep the students entertained.  This week my Foods 2 kids got to develop and create a casserole recipe.  Everyone learned how long potatoes take to cook in the oven and to either chop them smaller or boil them beforehand.  Lessons, lessons.
My child development class has carried not only egg babies around school...
but also Baby Think It Overs.
They are beyond eager to take the doll home.  Yet the concept seems to be working like a charm and a couple kids have actually brought the doll back early.  One of my students showed up late to school with wet hair and said the doll kept her up all but 3 hours throughout the night. 
Molly snagged my phone and took a bunch of random photos with it.  I just discovered them and thought I'd share a few. 

Deer, Pizza and a Smile. 
Things are good.

1 comment:

  1. U need to bring your show to Kaufman HS second semester..... Especially " baby think it over " ..... It would put a damper on all da heifers in heat !!!!!
