Monday, November 16, 2015


I remember some of my favorite games as a child were acting out survival scenarios.  The living room sofa became a ship and if you fell off you'd be eaten by sharks... our waterbeds were life rafts and we had to protect our dolls from going overboard in treacherous winds and lightening... Our dolls had major fevers and would die if medical help wasn't reached immediately...  My sister and I came up with these types of games before we even knew Lifetime existed
My girls asked to go for a walk in the woods late Sunday afternoon.  Of course I said 'sure'.  I should have known the walk would turn into a survival scenario before we even started. 
Upon reaching the backyard, I was notified we were lost in the woods and had to seek shelter.
Fire would need to be created so we could rest overnight.
As Maisie built the fire, Molly posed in a position that made my ankles hurt.
Then morning arrived and it was time to continue seeking shelter.
Lo and behold, we found a tiny cabin in the woods.  They discovered kind people living inside and managed to raid their pantry. 
My girls being my girls, smuggled string cheese under their shirts before promptly deciding it was time to leave the tiny cottage.

Ever so grateful I took the time for a walk in the woods with my girls.

1 comment:

  1. Trolls and string cheese ...... Next time send them out with a can of pudding
