Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Halloween on Hickory Ridge

Halloween was celebrated on Hickory Ridge with 3 little monsters.
One with an attitude...
One with the wiggles...
and one with a Cutco.
Elsa got to wear her costume to school.  I thought the days of costumes at school had passed when most schools renamed Christmas parties 'Winter Parties' and Halloween Parties 'Fall Celebrations'.
Guess I-35 hasn't made the switch yet.
Pre-Trick-or-Treat on the square with Maddie.  Maisie is a cat.  Ross would be a black thing with a candy bucket shoved in his shirt, Maddie is a human and Molly is the ice queen.
Molly shows off some of her loot.
Did I tell you we named the cat Kuda? 
Well we did.
GG got Molly all to herself Saturday night.  I don't think either one minded.

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